Welcome to my web-location!

I'm a medical student, living in Giessen, a little town in the middle of Germany with a beautiful countryside.
My interest in solving biological and medical problems with mathematical algorithms made me learn several computer-languages.
To get my doctorate I took up the challenge to distinguish disorders of the vocal tract by analysing spoken voice.
While this noble goal is still not reached, I've written a couple of useful programs on the way to get there.
This humble page will serve as my platform to provide programs for download.


Sebastian Seidel
That's me.



Use PLT-Scheme to remote-control Matlab.



doc.txt The documentation.
info.ss Install-information.
primitive.c The core-procedures.
highlevel.ss Highlevel-procedures.
installer.ss Procedures to compile and link 'primitive.c' to an extension-program.
develop.ss Procedures to easy further development and to package new versions.
primitive.ss Dummy procedures that are loaded when 'primitive.c' has not yet been compiled.
license.txt The GNU-LGPL.
flower-blossom.ss Example application that shows a flower blossomming.
use-installer.ss Example, how to use the 'installer.ss'-module.
use-develop.ss Example, how to use the 'develop.ss'-module.
test-primitive.ss Tests on the core-procedures.

PS: All projects on this site are licensed GNU Lesser General Public License which makes them useful for open-source and commercial applications.